Legislation Sponsored by Jerry Obermueller (1)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/11/2021

HB 0267 MonitorLLC and corporation license fees. Jerry Obermueller
2/28/2017 S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4 ---
(03) 64th Session Failed Bills (04) Week Four - Mar 5 to 9 (08) Week Five - Feb 6 to 10 (10) Week Seven - Feb 21 to 24 04 - Business/Economic Development
Bob Dave

This bill addresses corporations and limited liability companies, altering licensing fees.

WAM ACTION: 2/21/17, bill passed Senate Corporations Committee 5-0, may be an interim topic as well.

WAM ACTION: 2/1/17, bill passed appropriations Committee 7-0 as amended, amendment reduces fees from $150 to $75.

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.